Family Business Forum Is Discontinued

As a result of the financial crisis at UNC Asheville, university administration scrutinized programs that do not affect student experience or outcomes. Unfortunately, the decision was made to discontinue the Family Business Forum after 25 years of service to Asheville business owners.

Family businesses are the lifeblood of a community, and a source of lasting, quality jobs for its citizens. Here are some resources for you to turn to in the absence of the Forum.
  1. The Family Business Magazine is an indispensible organization, with a monthly magazine, weekly newsletters, and access to valuable conferences, seminars and webinars.
  2. Anderson University’s Kim S. Miller Family Enterprise Institute of South Carolina is the closest family business center to Asheville.
  3. The Wake Forest Center for Private Business hosts CEO roundtables across the state.
  4. The University of Wisconsin Family Business Center provides live-streaming to all their programs.
  5. The Goering Center at the University of Cincinnati provides a number of virtual programs on an annual basis, including their excellent Next Generation Institute.
  6. The Loyola University Family Business Center is willing to provide free webinars quarterly; and will honor their member price for former Family Business Forum members attending their exceptional Next Generation Leadership Institute.
  7. The Prairie Family Business Association provides high quality virtual programs.